ISO Standards

ISO Standards

ISO Standards

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SPT Microtechnologies USA, Inc. (SPT) is a leading vertical batch furnace supplier for innovative MEMS, Power, LED, Semiconductor, III-V, RFID, and packaging device manufacturers.

ISO Standards



Quality and Environmental Standards

Quality management standards helps companies work more efficiently and reduce product failures. Environmental management standards helps organizations reduce environmental impacts, reduce waste, and be more sustainable.


Our Quality Policy - ISO 9001:2015

SPT Microtechnologies (SPT) has a rich heritage of providing high quality thermal processing equipment to our worldwide customer base. Our ISO 9001:2015 compliant quality policy is focused on the following practices:

  • Understand our customers’ needs and establish mutually profitable long term relationships
  • Growth-based KPIs to deliver quality products to our customers on-time at reasonable prices
  • Closed loop employee communication and training to implement KPIs within each department
  • Continuous improvement of our products via customer surveys

Our Environmental Policy - ISO 14001:2015

SPT recognizes the importance of protecting our environment and is committed to reducing and monitoring impact to the environment. SPT’s Environmental Management System (EMS) complies with the ISO 14001:2015 standard and encompasses the following practices:

  • Full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations
  • Coexist within our community and conduct ourselves in a manner that protects and preserves the environment
  • Maintain environmental targets and objectives that are reviewed annually
  • Practice efficient use of natural resources and energy
  • Minimize waste and pollution via the 3 Rs – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  • Communicate with and educate all employees to have the skills and knowledge to help reduce environmental impact
  • The Environmental Policy is maintained and made available to interested parties

Questions about our ISO certifications?

Get in touch with us to ask how our Quality and Environmental policies help SPT and our customers work more efficiently and sustainably.